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WASHINGTON – Today Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) released the following statement in response to the latest Republican budget proposal for 2013: “Our nation’s budget is a reflection of what we value as a country, what kind of future we want to build for our children, whether we honor our commitment to our veterans, and what […]

  By: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz President Barack Obama is offering middle-class Americans sensible bipartisan solutions to help get the economy moving again, as the Republican presidential field continues pandering to the most extreme elements of its party in the important early primary and caucus states. The president is hard at work pushing Republicans in […]

WASHINGTON – Earlier today President Obama laid out his deficit reduction plan. The following is a statement from Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-20): “President Obama’s plan for economic growth and reducing our country’s deficit lays out a blueprint for how we can create an environment where businesses can hire more workers, middle-class families can make […]

Recently the President outlined his bold vision for job creation in America. The American Jobs Act he sent to Congress would immediately improve our economy and create jobs without adding a cent to the deficit. The bill cuts taxes for companies that hire new workers and cuts payroll taxes in half for employers, providing broad […]

By William Gibson South Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz objected on Monday to a House spending bill that “slashes $32 million” from the Obama administration’s request for Everglades restoration. The bill, debated by the House on Monday, would leave $130 million for Everglades restoration in the Army Corps of Engineers budget, a significant reduction from […]