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Rep. Wasserman Schultz discusses how the House reduced its carbon footprint by 72% in 2 years. (Washington D.C.) – Once a year on April 22nd we come together for Earth Day, a time to celebrate gains we have made and create new visions to accelerate environmental progress. Since 1970 when Earth Day started we’ve made […]

  The Everglades would get $183.4 million for restoration work this year under a spending bill unveiled today by House Democrats. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the Appropriations Committee, said the funds would “go a long way toward fulfilling the federal government’s commitment to help restore the Everglades. These funds will also help […]

I was driving with my daughter when I saw the gas gauge on my minivan getting close to E. I dreaded pulling into the gas station with gas prices over $4 a gallon. Like all Floridians, I find it hard to pay nearly $80 for something that just recently cost me $40. Earlier this week, […]

(Washington, DC)  —  Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz criticized the House Republican leadership for misleading the American people on gas prices and the result of additional drilling, saying millions of acres are currently available for oil companies to drill. The Minerals Management Service (MMS) states that there are 68 million acres onshore and offshore in the […]

(Washington, DC)  —  Today, Earth Day, Rep. Wasserman Schultz made the following statement regarding the leadership Congress has taken since Democrats gained the majority in the House and Senate. “Our New Direction Congress is taking the lead in reducing carbon emissions, starting with making the House of Representatives carbon neutral and passing legislation that will […]

(Washington, DC)  —  Rep. Wasserman Schultz today backed landmark legislation that will make significant new investments in renewable energy sources, create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, help end our dependence on foreign oil and slash taxpayer funded subsidies to oil companies. The Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act of 2008 was approved by […]

(Washington, DC)  —  Today, President Bush vetoed the Water Resources Development Act (H.R. 1495), bipartisan legislation which was approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate by an overwhelming majority. The legislation authorizes approximately $23 billion for more than 800 projects in communities throughout the country, including Everglades restoration, repairing hurricane damage, restoring wetlands […]

(Washington, DC) – Today Rep. Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) joined a majority in the House of Representatives in support of landmark energy independence legislation (H.R. 3221 and H.R. 2776) that will help make our nation more secure, create new American jobs, reduce energy costs to consumers, and fight global warming.  “This Energy legislation protects our environment, […]

(Washington, DC)  —  A comprehensive program aimed at reducing risks to human life and economic loss caused by hurricanes, tornadoes, and other windstorms will receive funding as a result of an amendment offered by Rep. Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) and passed by the House of Representatives. The amendment, offered to the 2008 Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill funds […]

(Washington, DC)  —  House Democratic Caucus Chairman James E. Clyburn today appointed Rep. Wasserman Schultz to a special Task Force on Hurricane Katrina.  The task force will be chaired by Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.), a victim of the hurricane, and a leader in Congress on the recovery effort and protecting against future disasters.  Rep. Wasserman […]