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(Washington, DC)  —  Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) passed a methylmercury protection amendment to the National Uniformity for Food Act (HR 4167) this evening.  HR 4167 would have preempted and precluded any state laws that are not identical to the Food and Drug Administration’s national statutes, including state fish and shellfish methylmercury notification laws that […]

(Washington, DC)  —  House Democratic Caucus Chairman James E. Clyburn today appointed Rep. Wasserman Schultz to a special Task Force on Hurricane Katrina.  The task force will be chaired by Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.), a victim of the hurricane, and a leader in Congress on the recovery effort and protecting against future disasters.  Rep. Wasserman […]

(Washington, DC)  —  Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been chosen to serve on the House Committee on Appropriations. The Committee has what is commonly described as “the power of the purse” because it, along with its Senate counterpart, sets the specific expenditures of funds by the government of the United States.   “It is a great […]

(Washington, DC)  —  Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement regarding the findings of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group: “Our brave men and women serving in uniform have long deserved a fair and honest assessment of the situation on the ground in Iraq. Many of our nation’s troops have served multiple tours in war-torn […]

(Washington, DC)  —  The Life Insurance Fairness for Travelers Act (“LIFT,” H.R. 3639) reached a major milestone yesterday as key provisions of the legislation were included in the Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision Act of 2005 (“TRIA,” H.R. 4314), which passed out of the House Financial Services Committee by a 64-3 vote.  The acceptance of these […]

(Washington, DC)  —  The Forward, a nationally recognized American Jewish newspaper established in 1897, has named Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as one of the 50 most influential leaders in the American Jewish community for 2005.  This year’s list features such prominent figures as the President of American Jewish World Service Ruth Messinger, Republican National Committee […]

(Washington, DC)  —  Rep. Wasserman Schultz released the following statement in response to legislation passed out of the House Resources Committee yesterday that would open up drilling, within 90 days of passage, as close as three miles off shore: “Not only does this legislation dismantle the bi-partisan ban on offshore drilling, but it provides a […]

(Washington, DC)  —  Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz urged officials from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to expand tax relief to victims of Hurricane Katrina in the Florida counties of Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe. On Tuesday, August 30th, the IRS gave taxpayers unable to meet their tax obligations an extension in counties and parishes in Alabama, […]

fWashington, July 4, 2019 “I will continue to fight his every attempt to steal resources from our military and their families to build this ineffective and narcissistic monument to nativism.” (Sunrise, Fla.) – U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) released this statement after an appeals court late yesterday upheld a lower court ruling that blocked […]