Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) issued the following statement this morning after release of the Obama Administration’s long-term comprehensive nuclear deal with Iran:

“I look forward to reviewing in detail the deal our nation’s top negotiators and diplomats have put forward with Iran after months of tireless work.‎ As I have said throughout the negotiations, any deal must ensure that Iran can never achieve their goal of developing a nuclear weapon.

“Congress now has the critical role of carefully reviewing the details of this agreement to ensure that it protects our national security and that of our allies in the region, particularly Israel and does not allow Iran to get away with cheating.

“I was proud to join my colleagues in supporting the Iran Nuclear Review Act of 2015 which gives us the responsibility of assessing whether this deal contains at a minimum, crucial criteria, including: robust verification measures; access to information about past military dimensions; limits on technical research and development; phased sanctions relief; and an instant snapback of sanctions should Iran violate any aspect of the deal.

“As I have said from the beginning, no deal is better than a bad deal, particularly given Iran’s horrific track-record of deception and continued facilitation of terrorism against the United States and our allies worldwide. Over the coming weeks, I will be discussing the details of this deal with the Administration, technical experts, and analysts, as well as my constituents and will be carefully assessing its provisions and implications. This is a critical decision and one that will require careful, thoughtful review.”