Supreme Court Rules In Favor of Gay Rights

WASHINGTON – Earlier today, the United States Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, which banned federal benefits for same-sex married couples, on a 5-4 vote. It also made same-sex marriages legal again in the state of California by ruling that the private sponsors of Prop. 8 did not have legal standing to appeal after the ballot measure was struck down by a federal judge in San Francisco. U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) released the following statement:

“Today is an historic day for marriage equality in America. The Supreme Court rulings released today brought our nation one step closer to realizing our Constitution’s promise of equality for all Americans. In striking down Section 3 of the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act, the Court ensured that married gay and lesbian couples are fully recognized by their government and will have the opportunity to benefit from the host of rights and benefits designed to strengthen and protect American families.

“From Social Security benefits to immigration rights, Americans who are legally married in a state that recognizes same-sex marriages will now be afforded the same federal recognition and federal benefits that any other married couple receives. In California, Proposition 8 which banned same-sex marriages is consigned to the trash-heap of history and California joins 12 other states and the District of Columbia in recognizing the freedom to marry whomever one loves.

“For married couples living in states that do not recognize their marriages, including Florida, there is still uncertainty. We must work to ensure that these couples receive the federal recognition and respect that they deserve. I am committed to working with my colleagues in Congress and the President to make that dream a reality.

“Today also puts to an end House Republicans continued waste of millions of taxpayer dollars in their effort to defend their unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act. It is shameful that it took the highest court in the land to end their reprehensible fight to deny basic civil rights and justice to an entire group of Americans. Today’s ruling marked the seventh time that House Republicans were defeated in court, wasting $2.3 million of Americans’ hard earned tax dollars in their quest to defend inequality. It is my sincere hope that Republicans will now join Democrats in our focus on creating jobs, boosting our economy, and strengthening our families.

“As a wife, I am proud that today is a joyous victory for countless American marriages. As a mother, I celebrate that today marks another step toward fairness and equality for all of our nation’s families. Freedom to marry for all Americans is within our nation’s grasp, and I look forward to working together to make it happen.”