Sink, Wasserman Schultz make "women to watch" list

The Florida Times-Union

Submitted by David Hunt

Not bad, Florida. The Sunshine State grabbed two of the 10 positions on Politics Daily’s women to watch list. Click here for the list.

Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, who’s running for governor, and U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz took the honors.

Said the report:

Sink’s race remains a crucial one to watch, though, because putting the swing state back in Democratic control would make Sink a hero in the White House, which wants a friendly audience in Florida for Barack Obama’s re-election bid in 2012.

Democratic insiders routinely refer to Wasserman Schultz, a House member from Florida, as “the Next Nancy,” as in the next woman with enough ambition, political skill and stomach for fundraising to follow in Nancy Pelosi’s footsteps as a future Speaker of the House.