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Washington DC – U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) released the following statement after her legislation, the Education and Awareness Requires Learning Young Act, or EARLY Act Reauthorization of 2020, became law this week with the President’s signing of the larger government spending and COVID-19 relief package: “For young women and those of certain ethnic […]

Florida Congressional Democrats today called on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to release undisclosed weekly White House Coronavirus Task Force Reports and quit ignoring the urgent health recommendations they call for, and once again, they demanded that the governor stop manipulating COVID-19 health data – all of which compromises public safety and undermines the vital credibility […]

Gov. DeSantis’ mishandling of the coronavirus in Florida has made him a global laughingstock and has caused so much needless suffering and death in our state. Now, beyond just deadly incompetence, it appears that he has chosen to abuse Florida’s law enforcement and judicial systems to persecute Rebekah JonesGov. DeSantis’ mishandling of the coronavirus in […]

(Sunrise, FL.) – Following news that Vice President Joe Biden had secured 270+ votes in the Electoral College and thus the Presidency, U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement: “While all votes must still be counted, a clear electoral college majority has been achieved by Joe Biden, who will be our next President […]

(Sunrise, FL.) – Following news that she had, for a ninth time, been elected to represent South Florida in Congress, U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement: “I want to thank all the voters who put their trust in me to tackle the urgent and vital issues facing our country right now. It […]

By AUSTEN ERBLAT and SUSANNAH BRYAN SOUTH FLORIDA SUN SENTINEL |OCT 25, 2020  As rain clouds loomed over South Florida, hundreds of voters and volunteers turned out to vote and show support for local and national candidates at “Souls to the Polls” events on Sunday. The events, held throughout the state and organized by the national faith-based organization Faith […]

SGov. Ron DeSantis provided a brief voter registration extension until 7 pm today, but this minimal reprieve should be extended another full day, so any Democrat, Republican or independent who was waylaid by the state’s overwhelmed system can participate in our democracy. Sunrise, Fla. – U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) released the following statement […]

Trump and Senate Republicans are ruthlessly exploiting this vacancy amid an ongoing presidential election and a deadly health pandemic. Senate Republicans, after refusing to confirm President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee eight months before an election are making this hypocritical power grab in clear defiance of the will of the American people, and an affront to […]

An American giant has left us, yet Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg’s legacy leaves an indelible, immense mark on American society. Justice Ginsburg helped blaze a pathway for landmark women’s civil rights achievements and her legal mind and bold dissents for the downtrodden and forgotten were respected and revered.Sunrise, Fl. — U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz […]

(Sunrise, FL) – Florida’s Democratic Members of Congress, led by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23), united today to send a letter to President Trump pushing back against Trump’s ineffectual and possibly unconstitutional executive actions regarding the ongoing economic crisis fueled by COVID-19. The Members emphasized that Trump’s executive actions and recent statements attack and undermine core programs on […]