Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz Recognizes Hispanic Heritage Month/La Congresista Debbie Wasserman Schultz Hace Reconocimiento al Mes de la Herencia Hispana
(Washington, DC) — Los valores hispanos – la fe, la familia, el amor a la patria – son valores Americanos. El sueño hispano – la esperanza de un mejor futuro – es el sueño americano. Durante el mes de la herencia hispana, reconocemos a la comunidad hispana y le rendimos un homenaje por las contribuciones extraordinarias que los hispanos han aportado a nuestro país.
“Económicamente, culturalmente y políticamente, los Latinos son una parte vital de nuestra nación. Siendo el grupo étnico con el crecimiento más rápido de nuestro país, la comunidad hispana – con 47.5 millones de personas – hace que los Estados Unidos sea una mejor y más fuerte nación. La comunidad hispana es patriótica, trabajadora, orientada hacia la familia y empresarial (la taza de establecimiento de nuevas empresas hispanas es tres veces más alta que el nivel nacional). El poder adquisitivo de lo comunidad hispana es más de $600 mil millones. Durante varias generaciones, la vida Americana ha sido enriquecida por contribuciones de la comunidad hispana en el comercio, la educación, el gobierno y las artes.
“A pesar del crecimiento y el progreso de la comunidad hispana, desafortunadamente, demasiadas familias hispanas no han prosperado económicamente en los últimos años. Durante los ocho años de la administración del Presidente Bush, el ingreso medio de hogares hispanos bajó por $3.557, el número de hispanos sin cobertura médica creció por 2.8 millones y 3.2 millones de hispanos cayeron a la pobreza.
“En enero del 2009, el Presidente Obama heredó la peor crisis económica desde la gran depresión – con la pérdida de 700.000 empleos mensuales. En febrero, el Presidente Obama y el Congreso liderado por los Demócratas tomó acción – promulgando un proyecto de ley de $787 mil millones para la recuperación económica, el cual es un programa de dos años que hará arrancar a nuestra economía, creará y salvará 3.5 millones de empleos, le dará una reducción fiscal al 95 por ciento de los estadounidenses y empezará a reconstruir las carreteras, las vías férreas y la infraestructura acuática de nuestro país. El proyecto de recuperación económica también incluye ayuda a los trabajadores que más han sufrido por esta recesión – esto incluye el mejoramiento y la extensión del programa de prestaciones por desempleo, el aumento de “food stamps” (por su término en ingles) y la extensión de programas de capacitación. Los efectos de este proyecto ya comienzan a sentirse.
“A principios de este año, el Congreso también extendió cobertura médica a 4 millones de niños cuyos padres no tienen los medios para su cobertura médica, pero ganan demasiado para calificar para Medicaid. Este proyecto también preservó la cobertura de 7 millones de niños que ya estaban inscritos en el programa. Con casi 20 por ciento de niños hispanos sin cobertura médica, esta legislación es especialmente importante para familias hispanas.
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz Recognizes Hispanic Heritage Month
(WASHINGTON, D.C.) Today, Rep. Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15 through October 15 every year.
“Hispanic values – faith, family, love of country – are American values. The Hispanic dream – the hope of a better, more prosperous future – is the American Dream. During Hispanic Heritage Month, we honor the Hispanic community and pay tribute to the extraordinary contributions that Hispanics have made throughout our history, and continue to make to America every day.
“Economically, culturally, and politically, Latinos are a vital part of our nation. As the fastest growing ethnic group in our country, the 47.5 million-strong Hispanic community makes America a better and stronger nation. Hispanics are patriotic, hard-working, deeply religious, family-oriented, and entrepreneurial (Hispanic business start-ups are three times higher than the national average). Hispanic purchasing power now exceeds more than $600 billion. And over several generations, American life has been enriched by Hispanic contributions in business, education, government, and the arts.
“Despite the growth and progress of our Hispanic community, unfortunately, many Hispanic families have not fared well economically over the last several years. During the eight years of the Bush Administration, Hispanic median household income fell by $3,557, 2.8 million more Hispanics joined the ranks of the uninsured, and 3.2 million more Hispanics fell below the poverty level.
“In January 2009, President Obama inherited the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression – with job losses averaging 700,000 per month. In February, President Obama and the Democratic-led Congress took aggressive action – enacting a $787 billion Recovery Act, which is a two-year program to jumpstart the economy, create and save 3.5 million jobs, provide 95 percent of American workers a tax cut, and begin to rebuild America’s road, rail, and water infrastructure. The Recovery Act includes key aid for workers most hurt by the recession – including extending and improving unemployment benefits, increasing food stamps, and expanding job training programs. The effects of the Recovery Act are beginning to be felt.
“Earlier this year, the 111th Congress also extended cost-effective health coverage to 4 million more children whose parents can’t afford their own health insurance, but earn too high an income to qualify for Medicaid, and preserved coverage for 7 million children already enrolled. With 20 percent of Hispanic children uninsured, this legislation is especially important for Hispanic families.
“In addition, the 111th Congress is helping families – including tens of thousands of Hispanic families — save their homes from foreclosure, building on President Obama’s initiative to stem the foreclosure crisis, with significant incentives to lenders, servicers and homeowners to modify loans. During the subprime mortgage boom, Hispanic homebuyers were nearly two-and-a-half times more likely than whites to receive a high-cost home loan.
“In 2007, the new Democratic-led Congress made college affordability a top priority. In September 2007, Congress enacted the single largest investment in college financial assistance since the 1944 GI Bill, including cutting student loan interest rates in half and increasing the size of Pell Grants — helping 1.8 million Hispanic college students with opportunities for a better education. This week, the House will take up another historic higher education bill, which invests additional billions over the next 10 years – at no cost to the taxpayer, by using savings achieved by switching to the cheaper Direct Student Loan program – to make college more affordable, including keeping interest rates low on student loans and increasing the maximum Pell Grant from $5,350 in 2009 to $6,900 in 2019.
“With a New Direction, the Democratic-led Congress has also made our children a priority – including America’s 15 million Hispanic children. For example, the 110th Congress enacted a bill to strengthen the successful Head Start childhood education program to make sure our children are ready for school. In addition, Congress enacted a key bill to make America’s children safer – banning the import of unsafe toys from China and other countries.
“Finally, the Democratic-led Congress has enacted major legislation to improve the lives of America’s veterans – including 1.1 million Hispanic veterans. The 21st Century GI Bill provides a free four-year college education to Iraq and Afghanistan veterans (the same educational benefits provided to our World War II veterans). Congress also provided the largest increase in funding for veterans’ health care in the 77-year history of the Veterans’ Administration.
“I am proud to celebrate the contributions and heritage of our country’s Hispanic community. All Latinos, like all Americans, deserve a meaningful opportunity to achieve the American Dream.