Stand with Me
Debbie is a true progressive champion who will fight for South Florida families.

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Washington, October 17, 2024 “Flavored e-cigarettes put a new generation of kids at risk of nicotine addiction and the serious health harms that result from tobacco use. When children’s health is at stake, we cannot tolerate any delay. Unfortunately, the most popular tobacco products with kids have been on the market for several years, with […]

Washington, October 15, 2024 “Maduro’s brutal regime refuses to honor the undeniable election results, despite clear evidence proving his loss. Rescinding these special licenses, which exclusively serve to subsidize the regime’s crony corruption, violent repression, and flagrant human rights abuses, must be part of our international effort to reject Maduro’s election theft,” said Wasserman Schultz. […]

We therefore demand that your Administration and DOE rescind these harmful directives issued to our school districts that go way beyond state law and ensure local educators can teach the comprehensive sexual education curricula that parents want, and healthy students need.Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-25) announced she had led seven Democratic Members of the […]